Personal Clarity Package


  • 1 x 90 minutes Intake online session
  • 3 x 60 minutes Subsequent online sessions
  • Additional Support Material
  • Follow up email between sessions

Sometimes life throws you a curveball and it leaves you lost/confused and your direction is lost.

It might be, you just went through a break-up, or you lost your job, or your children just started school and you’re on your own at home, whatever change of situation – it has left you feeling lost and confused.

And questions like who am I – what do I want – where do I want to go? – are questions that just go round and round in your mind.

I have been through it myself…

My relationship broke up and I was so focused on the relationship and when that fell apart – I was lost. My direction was gone, as I thought the direction was already set – marriage – children – owning a house… And then my relationship fell apart.

The direction I was walking just evaporated in front of me, and I felt confused, lost – I hadn’t had a clue what direction I was going. I was just going through the motions, daily.

I developed this Personal Clarity package to get you back on track. I will guide you to identify what’s important to you, that awareness will create choice and it will clarify your direction.

People who have undertaken the one-month clarity package, have noticed the following changes:

• Improved self-awareness
• Increased ability to manage their emotional state
• Understanding of their thinking patterns
• Awareness of their personal values (Values are what is important to you?)
• Ability to make decisions aligned with their values
• Increased awareness of how to live their life by the personal values
• A better understanding of their behavioural patterns
• Enhanced awareness of where they want to go


If you’re curious about how this coaching package can assist you and would like to find out more: